Kopi Panderman

by teoTech

Food & Drink


Pesanggrahan Village is located in Batu District, Batu City, East Java, where according to data from the Batu City Agriculture Service, the area of ​​Arabica coffee plantations in Pesanggrahan is the largest, namely 13 hectares compared to other areas in Batu City. In coffee sales and distribution activities, the people of Pesanggrahan Village, Batu sub-district formed the Gapoktan Mayang Sari Farmers Group with the aim of advancing the business sector by prioritizing product quality and human resources. However, until now there has been little growth because the interest of village youth is very low in taking part in improving business, even though if you look at the location of Pesanggrahan Village, which is the closest area to Batu City, which has a vital and strategic role as a center of economic activity, it will be easy to develop this business. This research is also carried out as part of the participation of universities in raising Indonesias Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) metrics, especially the eighth achievement regarding Decent work and economic growth. In this activity there will be participation to ensure economic growth and productive participation of the people of Pesanggrahan Village, Batu District, Kota, Batu, East Java. Coffee processing activities and the coffee product business are less attractive to the public due to various factors. This service is carried out to provide technological breakthroughs and methods in carrying out coffee processing activities in running its business. This business will be built through a start-up with the main business being coffee products originating from residents of Pesanggrahan village, Batu City. Business models and training, including the formation of start-ups, will be carried out as a form of service, so that people can manage processing businesses independently. Trainings on processed coffee products and introducing IT-based business processes are the main focus of this activity. It is hoped that this innovation can revive the business of processed coffee products in Pesanggrahan Village, Batu City, and increase the participation of young people who do not work in the area in processing products and running their own businesses by utilizing technology to increase their productivity.